Tribute & Game - Coffin Dance
Coffin Dance!
You are the coffin dancer.
Why are you dancing?
Play to find out!
An electronic adaptation/cover of "Coffin Dance" by AJJ
from their album Christmas Island.
Song and lyric originally written by
Sean Bonnette and Ben Gallaty.
Code, arrangement, and art by dreams.EGA.
Background made using
custom code from ZerkDev (https://zerkdev.itch.io/)
Thanks to my patrons on Patreon and to you for dropping by!
Wayne Marsh
Lee E
Ben Hamilton
Bobo PF
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I played it as a cart on PICO-8, nice experience! I am coincidentally researching Snake remakes and I was considering a “no die” mechanic where going through your body would simply cut it and allow you to continue… Which is exactly what you did! That will make me gain some time as I can see how it feels now. Losing snake length can be frustrating, but in your case it allows the song to go on so it removes frustrating of having to go over from the start.
However, the web version crashes very quickly with
attempt to index local
c(a nil value)
Otherwise, I didn’t know about Coffin Dance. I researched it a bit and found about the Dancing Pallbearers from Ghana. Not much interested in it as a meme, but I like the idea of “leaving with style”. The music is nice too, you can even follow the lyrics along the chiptune!